Corals for our lagoons

Discover the underwater world with a marine biologist.


The lagoons of Polynesia are amongst the most beautiful in the world and, underwater, an entire village is bustling about: fish of all sizes, algae of surprising shapes, and the foundation of an entire subterranean ecosystem. If you are thirsty for knowledge, this immersion is for you! By foot or snorkel, you will follow one of our naturalist guides for an immersion on the theme of corals. During the program, you will learn about marine biology, data collection to monitor the health of corals, and above all, discover starfish!

Participate in a citizen science program to help collect valuable coral data.

Discover the underwater world with a marine biologist / naturalist.

Escape to the lagoon in Moorea.



A beautiful and lovely Canadian, who loves sharing knowledge, Genevieve is interested in all things environment. It is with pride that she agreed to be part of the adventure and to embark with us on this immersion "Corals for our lagoons".


 Vanille Thullier is an environmental engineer, specializing in the management and conservation of ecosystems. At the end of her studies, she decided to come to Polynesia, an important destination for her. She works as a naturalist guide and assistant for the development of educational programs for all audiences at the Tetiaroa Society. Sensitive to the preservation of the environment and the sharing of her knowledge, she decided to be the master of her programs within her nonprofit Reva Atea. It is with passion that she will share all her knowledge about corals with you during this immersion.

  • You will receive a GPS pinpoint of your meeting location for this immersion. We recommend arriving by car or taxi. When you arrive, you will see one of our guides waiting for you by the side of the road. You can park your car on the side of the road. If getting picked up by taxi, you can have them pick you up at the same location. 

  • Fin/mask/snorkel

  • Sea wear

  • Reef-safe sunscreen

  • A change of clothes

  • Beach towel

  • Aquatic shoes

  • Filled reusable water bottle

  • Families 

  • Couples 

  • Friends 

  • Groups

Si vous annulez plus de 30 jours avant la date prévue de l’activité → Vous êtes automatiquement remboursés à 100% 

Si vous annulez entre 30 jours et 2 jours avant le départ de l’activité → Vous serez éligible à un remboursement partiel de 30% 

Si vous annulez 2jours ou moins avant le début de l’activité → Aucun remboursement ne sera possible 

La compagnie se donne le droit d'annuler cette immersion à tout moment. Un remboursement total pourrait être effectué

  • The immersion first takes place on land where we will explain how to take coral data, and then in the water

  • It is forbidden to walk on the corals
  • The immersion takes place in a private property with 3 very nice dogs 


  • Une collation sous forme de thé 
  • Guide naturaliste

Not Included

  • Mask and snorkel​
  • Chaussure d'eau
Vos guides: Vanille et Genevieve 
en Français & en Anglais                       



Notre Impact

Chaque immersions achetée soutient des groupes d'enfants qui une fois par mois viendront s'instruire sur les coraux tout comme nos visiteurs. Ainsi c'est une flotte de jeunes ambassadeurs de nos lagons que nous sponsorisons, faisons passer une experience unique et formons.



Fare Mata'i

Haapiti MOZ
French Polynesia
--Fare Mata'i--
Get the direction

Nani Travels

+689 87 73 49 18

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